Injured Workers Law Firm, explains how claimants can receive an extra 20% from their insurance company if their payment of monthly benefits for their workplace injury compensation is ever late, it’s called an award order.
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I get the question asked a lot, what happens when I don’t get my weekly check or my weekly workers comp check is late.
Well what you can do is you can make the insurance company pay you extra money, they can have to pay you 20% of what your weekly check is. Now the question is how do you get to do that, and the key is that you need to have an award order.
You need to go to the workers comp commission and get an award order, so then the insurance company is then legally responsible for paying you that weekly check. Right now they make voluntary checks, payments, so if they’re out sick, off on vacation, don’t feel like it, you make them mad, they don’t have to pay you or they can be late and you have no recourse.
But if you have that award order, then they’re going to have to be paying you extra money.
Just call the Virginia workers comp commission and find out if you are already under an award order, you can also go online to their website and get a copy of your award order.
If you do have an award order, great, then you just go to the commission and you request the late payment penalty so that they would have to pay you your weekly check and then the extra late payment penalty.
If you don’t have an award order the key is to get one as soon as possible so then you can have them paying you this extra money. What you need to do is file what’s called a Claim Form. You can go to my website at injuredworkerslawfirm.com and get a copy of this form, you could actually call my office and I can mail you a form or you can go to the Viginia workers comp website and get a copy either mailed to you or right there online you can file one immediately.
Once you do that then you’re on you way to getting your weekly check on time and hopefully a little more money in your pocket.
Get more information from my website, my website is Injured Workers Law Firm you could also order a book I’ve written just for injured workers and that’s called The Ultimate Guide to Workers Compensation in Virginia and you can order that also on my website at injuredworkerslawfirm.com
About the Author: Michele Lewane
The Injured Workers Law Firm is a Richmond, Virginia based firm solely focused on serving clients with workers' compensation claims in Virginia. If you have questions about your benefits or if you would like more information on the Virginia workers’ compensation system, order our book, “The Ultimate Guide to Workers’ Compensation in Virginia” , or call our office today (804) 755-7755.