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When you are injured at work, you need reliable and up to date information. Below, our attorneys provide insight into a variety of workers compensation topics. Browse our options to learn more about workers comp benefits, how to file a claim, statute of limitations, and determine your options when facing these issues in Virginia.
Read our vast collection of blogs, articles on our firm, resources, monthly newsletters, and workers comp law.
LiveLifeBig Podcast
In May 2019, Michele Lewane was invited to… Read more
Does My Employer Have to Hold My Job?
Most people injured on the job will return to… Read more
Brain Injuries
Brain injuries are some of the most serious injuries… Read more
Injured Workers Law Firm is on your side. First and foremost we want to prepare and inform you about workers compensation case. Here are some Virginia Workers Comp Resources that can help you get started and we would like to offer you our FREE Guide to Workers’ Compensation in Virginia.
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Workers Comp Law
When a worker is injured while on the job, he or she should immediately report the injury to their employer and file a claim with the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission. The claim must be filed within two years after the accident occurs or the diagnosis of a work-related illness or disease (unless otherwise stated in the statute of limitations).
In many cases, you can also receive benefits for mental stress. You may be able to receive benefits for a pre-existing condition that worsened through work activities. You are also eligible to receive benefits for injuries that occur during company events and gathering.
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