Yes, Virginia Workmans’ Comp claims must also be approved by the Virginia
Workers’ Compensation Commission. This is something your Richmond attorney can help you with after any type of work accident, such as a work-related Virginia auto accident or other traumatic accident.
In some Virginia Workmans’ Comp cases, the employee may decide that a settlement is in his or her best interests. When a settlement offer is given, it’s important to understand that no one can force or coerce the other side to accept the offer.
The settlement offer must be approved by the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, who will only agree to the settlement if, in its opinion, it’s in the employee’s best interests.
Keep in mind that there is definitely room for negotiation in most Workers’ Comp cases. Many times, by hiring a Richmond attorney that specializes in Workers’ Compensation, you can receive a higher settlement package than trying to file the claim on your own.
Agreeing to a settlement is a huge decision because once it’s finalized, there is no going back and redoing it. So make sure you completely understand the fine print and are thoroughly satisfied with the offer before signing any papers or making any agreements.
If you’ve been in any kind of work accident in Virginia, (auto accidents, falls, chemical accidents, repetitive use injuries, etc.) the best way to proceed is to contact an attorney and thoroughly discuss your legal options. Only then should you proceed to get your settlement approved by the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Contact an Attorney about Your Work Related Injury Claim
When you have difficulties with your work-related injury claim, a Virginia workers comp attorney can bear some of the burden you’ve been placed under. To get back on your feet, whether it means getting back to work or getting the benefits you deserve, order a copy of our free book, the Ultimate Guide to Workers’ Compensation in Virginia, and contact a workers’ comp attorney at the Injured Workers Law Firm for a no-cost consultation – 1-877-755-7744 or 1-804-755-7755.
About the Author: Injured Workers Law Firm
The Injured Workers Law Firm is a Richmond, Virginia based firm solely focused on serving clients with workers' compensation claims in Virginia. If you have questions about your benefits or if you would like more information on the Virginia Workers’ Compensation system, order our book, “The Ultimate Guide to Workers’ Compensation in Virginia” , or call our office today (804) 755-7755.