You may have to return to work after an injury at your place of employment. However, if your employer can not place you on light duty, then you will need to look for work elsewhere in order to continue receiving your Virginia Workers Compensation payments (if you are not under an award order). Consulting with a Virginia work injury compensation lawyer is the best way to learn what the requirements are in finding a job.
3 Tips to Help Seek Employment While Receiving Workers Compensation
It may have been awhile since you last sought employment.
Some things to keep in mind:
- keep documentation of every job you apply for (keep copies on your computer, on a disk or removable USB flash drive, and a hard copy);
- be sure all of your documentation has the date you applied, who interviewed you, etc.; and
- print out 3 copies of the job paperwork,1 for yourself, 1 for the insurer and 1 for your attorney.
You will need to demonstrate that you have looked for employment, so keeping organized, accurate records will be very important.
These tips can help when you must return to work after an injury. They can help protect your Virginia Workers Compensation payments. If you have questions concerning your rights after being injured while on the job, a Virginia work injury compensation lawyer can help.
Contact a Virginia Work Injury Compensation Lawyer
When you have difficulties with your work-related injury claim, a Virginia work injury compensation lawyer can bear some of the burden you’ve been placed under. To get back on your feet, whether it means getting back to work or getting the benefits you deserve, order a copy of our free book, the Ultimate Guide to Workers’ Compensation in Virginia, and contact a workers’ comp attorney at the Injured Workers Law Firm for a no-cost consultation – 877-755-7744 or 804-755-7755.
About the Author: Injured Workers Law Firm
The Injured Workers Law Firm is a Richmond, Virginia based firm solely focused on serving clients with workers' compensation claims in Virginia. If you have questions about your benefits or if you would like more information on the Virginia Workers’ Compensation system, order our book, “The Ultimate Guide to Workers’ Compensation in Virginia” , or call our office today (804) 755-7755.