What is the Employer’s Responsibility When a Worker is Injured?
Posted by Michele Lewane | First Steps, Workers' Compensation Benefits
What is the Employer’s Responsibility When a Worker is Injured? Injured Workers Law Firm specializes exclusively in Virginia workers’ compensation cases. In this article, we will explore a critical question that many injured workers in Virginia have: What is the employer’s responsibility when a worker is injured? Understanding your rights and your employer’s obligations under …
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How Does Workers Comp Work in Virginia?
Posted by Michele Lewane | Hiring A Lawyer, Injured Workers Law Firm, Workers' Compensation Benefits
How Does Workers Comp Work in Virginia? Understanding the workers’ compensation process in Virginia is crucial for anyone who has suffered a work-related injury. Here’s a concise breakdown to guide you through the key steps and help you understand how workers comp works in Virginia: Understanding the Panel of Physicians: When reporting your work injury, …
Back Pain from a Work Injury- Virginia
Posted by Michele Lewane | Types Of Accidents, Types of Injuries and Illnesses, Workers' Compensation Benefits
Back Pain from a Work Injury- Virginia Back injuries sustained at work can be some of the most challenging and debilitating accidents. If you’re one of the many individuals in Virginia dealing with the pain and uncertainty of a workplace back injury, you’re not alone. My name is Michele Lewane, and I’m a workers’ compensation …
Pros y Contras de los Acuerdos de Suma Global y los Beneficios Médicos de Por Vida
Posted by Michele Lewane | Settlement, Workers' Compensation Benefits
Recibo llamadas de personas que se preguntan acerca de los beneficios y desventajas de resolver su reclamo de compensación laboral versus mantener sus beneficios médicos de por vida. Así que, como un experimentado abogado de compensación laboral en Richmond, quería compartir esta información y, con suerte, ayudar a algunos de ustedes por ahí al hacerles …
Understanding Workers’ Compensation Payouts for Lower Back Injuries in Virginia
Posted by Michele Lewane | Workers' Compensation Benefits
Introduction Suffering a lower back injury can have a profound impact on your life, especially when it occurs in the workplace. Beyond the physical pain and emotional toll, the financial burden of medical expenses and lost wages can feel overwhelming. If you’ve experienced a lower back injury while on the job in Virginia, understanding the …
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Workers Comp Payouts for Back Injuries in Virginia
Posted by Michele Lewane | Returning To Work, Types Of Accidents, Types of Injuries and Illnesses, Workers' Compensation Benefits
Back injuries are some of the most common types of injuries we see when it comes to injuries on the job. A back injury at work can be painful and, in some cases, can take months or years to heal, or it may never resolve leaving you permanently disabled. Back injuries, under the proper circumstances …
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Do my injuries qualify for permanent partial disability?
Posted by Michele Lewane | Types of Injuries and Illnesses, Workers' Compensation Benefits
One of the most common types of Virginia Workers Compensation claims filed is for permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits. Unlike a total disability, which results in the inability to return to work, a permanent partial disability means you can still work, but you have some permanent limitations due to your workplace injury. Common injuries leading to …
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Is Permanent Partial Disability Included in My Virginia Workers Compensation Benefits?
Posted by Michele Lewane | Workers' Compensation Benefits
When you have suffered a serious injury at work in Virginia and have been awarded workers’ compensation benefits, these benefits can include Permanent Partial Disability (or PPD). These benefits are awarded for the permanent loss of use or range of motion of a body part. What can you get a Permanent Partial Disability Rating for? …
Listen to your Virginia Workers Comp Doctor!
Posted by Michele Lewane | Workers' Compensation Benefits, Working With A Doctor
LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR! It is very important to listen to your Virginia workers compensation doctor. I have talked to so many people who have been injured at work who don’t want to take time off due to an injury, sometimes because they truly love their career or sometimes because of their fear of being …
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When Being a Good Neighbor Leads to Workers’ Comp Fraud
Posted by Michele Lewane | Workers' Compensation Benefits
I had an injured worker call my office a few weeks ago, we will call him Mike. Mike was a very nice man who was genuinely injured at work and looking for help. What Mike’s story will teach you: It is YOUR responsibility to follow the doctor’s orders You must ALWAYS follow your doctor’s restrictions …
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