Too Many Employees are Out of Work Too Long
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
Return to work programs focus on bringing employees back to work as soon as they are medically able. Employees who are out of work receive more medical treatment, so reducing lost time will reduce the cost of both lost wage payments and medical costs. One of the biggest causes of high workers comp costs is …
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Medicare Will Deny Coverage Until Bills Equal Workers’ Comp Award
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
Q: I recently settled my workers’ compensation claim, and I still need medical treatment but Medicare has told me they will not cover my work injury until I have accumulated enough medical bills from treating on my own to equal the amount of the workers’ compensation Award. Is this correct? A: Yes. If all or …
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Rotator Cuff Injuries are most prevalent in work related injuries.
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their respective tendons. The origin of each muscle is on the scapula, shoulder blade, and the insertion is on the humuerus. The four muscle-tendon units are the subscapularis, the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus and the teres minor. These muscles are required for normal motion and strength …
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Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
Once you have permanent restrictions and you cannot go back to your former employment due to the restrictions, the insurance carrier may assign a vocational rehabilitation counselor to you. This person’s sole job is finding you employment as soon as possible to save the insurance company money by cutting off your workers’ compensation benefits. Their …
Can you sue a company after suffering work related injury after 2 years has passed since the accident or injury?
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
If you are an employee, your only recourse is workers’ compensation. In Virginia, you must file a claim for benefits within 2 years from the date of accident or you are barred. There are exceptions, so you should talk to a Workers’ compensation attorney to find out if any may apply in your case. Also, …
April 28 is Workers Memorial Day | Virginia Work Comp Lawyer
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | First Steps
April 28 is Workers Memorial Day in America. It is a day to remember the thousands of workers killed and the millions of workers injured on-the-job each year. Workers Memorial Day is sponsored by the AFL-CIO and April 28 is also the anniversary of the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970. …
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Accident in Virginia Rt.522 tractor- trailer- two hurt
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
By Alex Bridges — WINCHESTER — A tractor-trailer hauling beer crashed early Monday in northern Frederick County sending the two people inside to a hospital. The truck traveling on U.S. 522 ran off the highway near Sleepy Creek Road and the West Virginia line and crashed in a ditch at about 12:45 a.m., according …
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What is going on at Virginia Workers’ Comp Commission??
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
Recently, there has been a big back up at the Workers Comp Commission which is causing longer than normal delays. The Commission is going “paperless”. The Virginia Beach office has completely transitioned and is the pilot program. One main technical glitch is that injured workers are filing claims for benefits before the insurance company has …
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How long must an employer keep an employee on their rolls if they are out on workers comp?
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | First Steps
Workers Compensation and Keeping your job are independent of one another. Unfortunately, many people mistakenly think that being injured on the job means that your employer has to keep your job for you. That is not the case. There is no such requirement in the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act. Virginia is an employment at will …
A Virginia Workers Compensation Case – Choose a Specialist Attorney Or a General Practitioner?
Posted by Injured Workers Law Firm | Types of Injuries and Illnesses
Attorneys specialize like doctors. Some orthopaedists handle backs, some arms, and some do only legs. Again, like doctors many attorneys specialize in areas of the law. There are still some attorneys who are general practitioners and try to handle every case that comes in the door. Is it wise to choose such an attorney for …